Promotion and Tenure
Promotion & Tenure at the UVA School of Medicine
The Office of Faculty Affairs manages all promotion and tenure actions at the School level for both regular cycle actions and expedited reviews for retention purposes. This page provides information and resources for all participants in SOM’s promotion and tenure process. The P&T timeline, checklists for departments and candidates, P&T video modules, “Polishing your Portfolio” Zoom registration links and other helpful information are located below.
Items to note for P&T 2024-25
Please see the following aspects of the 2024-25 P&T cycle to pay particular attention to.
- For 2024-25, to assure all faculty seeking advancement have contributed to the development of our trainees, P&T candidates are asked to include a standalone statement within their personal statement demonstrating their engagement with learners in their mission area of excellence (clinical, research, education, or community).
- Candidates are asked to include a brief self-evaluation in their personal statement regarding adherence to ASPIRE values by describing at least one example of activities that demonstrate an ASPIRE value.
For Clinical Faculty, Instructional Faculty, and Research Support Faculty requesting promotion to Associate Professor, external independent (at-arm’s-length) referee letters are optional and not required. All other promotions and tenure will require a minimum of three external independent letters.
Journal impact factors and H-indices should not be reported, and journal ranks are optional. Citation numbers should be reported.
The SOM Promotion and Tenure reviews are done by two committees: one for faculty seeking advancement on the Clinical Faculty and Instructional Faculty tracks, and the other for faculty seeking promotion on the Academic Investigators, Clinician Educators, Clinician Investigators Research Faculty-Support and Research Faculty-Independent.
P&T Policies and Timelines
- SOM P&T Policy
- UVA P&T Policies
- Tenure track: PROV-017: Promotion and Tenure
- Tenure ineligible tracks: PROV-004: Employment of Academic General Faculty Members (Tenure-Ineligible)
- P&T Timeline Summary – Overall promotion and tenure timeline for all participants for 24-25.
- SOM faculty tracks & promotion/tenure criteria
The candidate checklist below is for the 2024-2025 regular P&T cycle.
February | Connect with department chair/division chief to discuss candidacy. Begin to prepare CV, personal statement and list of referees. Begin to gather most recent information needed for portfolio. | |
March-April | Submit draft CV, personal statement and list of referees to department. | |
April | Ensure all the information needed for portfolio is available and current. | |
April-May | Receive feedback on CV, personal statement, and list of referees. | |
May | Meet with P&T mentor to begin preparing portfolio and ask questions. Provide FINAL CV, personal statement and list of referees to department. Candidates at the end of eligibility who will not be supported for advancement work with chair/division chief on additional options. | |
June-July | Continue to work on portfolio and update CV as needed for significant accomplishments (e.g., new publication, new grant funding, significant honorific award, election/appointment to leadership position). | |
August-September | Submit portfolio to department P&T committee. All sections should be submitted as pdf files, with each section being one pdf. - CV - Personal statement - Referee list - Reprints of three publications - Areas of Excellence (include supporting documentation as appropriate for your track and proposed rank) | |
September | Receive feedback on portfolio. Submit final portfolio to department, along with updated CV, if applicable. By September 30: Candidate receives negative recommendation notice from department chair and discusses decision with chair/division chief. Candidate decides whether to appeal the decision. | |
October | If applicable: Candidate submits appeal of chair's negative recommendation to Senior Associate for Faculty Affairs by the second Monday in October. | |
October - January | Continue to work on portfolio and update CV as needed for significant accomplishments (e.g., new publication, new grant funding, significant honorific award, election/appointment to leadership position). Updates will be accepted until the SOM appeals meeting in early January. | |
February | Receive notice of negative recommendation from the Dean of the School of Medicine. The candidate decides if they will appeal the dean’s decision to the provost. The provost appeal process is defined in these policies: PROV-004: Employment of Academic General Faculty Members (Tenure-Ineligible) PROV-017: Promotion and Tenure (Tenure Eligible/Tenured) | 2/3/2025 |
June | Receive unofficial notification and congratulations from the provost of advancement pending BOV approval. | |
July | Receive notification of official advancement. BOV approved advancements are effective 7/1/2023. | 7/1/2025 |
The department checklist below is for the 2024-2025 regular P&T cycle.
Printable Department Checklist
February | Runs the Academic Appointment Information Report in Workday to evaluate faculty probationary end dates and P&T eligibility. | |
March | Assigns P&T mentor for each candidate. *Recommended* | |
March-April | Department reviews CV and personal statement for each candidate and prepares feedback. Department chair reviews list of referees. | |
April | Finalizes who is going up in the 24-25 P&T Class. | |
April-May | Provides candidates with feedback on CV, personal statement and list of referees. Conducts annual faculty reviews. | |
May | Department chair/division chief meets to discuss options with candidates at the end of eligibility who will not be recommended. | |
Submits final list of candidates to Office of Faculty Affairs. | 5/17/2024 | |
June | Submits candidates' CV, personal statement and list of referees to Office of Faculty Affairs. | 6/4/2024 |
Department sends referee letter request emails with 7/16 deadline | Week of 6/4/2024 | |
June-July | Monitors referee letter submissions. Sends additional referee names to Office of Faculty Affairs as needed. | |
July | Sends list of department P&T committee members to Office of Faculty Affairs for system access. | 7/9/2024 |
Referee letter deadline for submission. Departments given access to letter files shortly thereafter. | 7/16/2024 | |
August-September | Department committee reviews candidate portfolios, votes, and completes recommendations on improving portfolio. Provides portfolio improvement recommendations to candidates. Submits candidate recommendations to the chair for review and final recommendation. Chair writes nomination letters and declares that the candidates adhere to ASPIRE Values. Notifies candidates and Office of Faculty Affairs of non-recommendations and provides appeal process details by September 30. | |
Submits final candidate portfolio, updated CV if applicable, Department P&T Recommendation Form, and chair recommendation to Office of Faculty Affairs; notifies candidate of completed submission. | 9/24/2024 | |
October-January | Provides missing information or clarification to SOM P&T committee when requested. Submits any updated documents to Office of Faculty Affairs. | |
December | Department chair receives notification of non-recommendation by the SOM P&T Committee and reaches out to Office of Faculty Affairs for clarification. | 12/13/2024 |
January | Deadline for the department chair to submit an appeal of the School non-recommendation to the senior associate dean. | 1/9/2025 |
February | Department chair receives copy of non-recommendation letters sent to each candidate who was not recommended by the dean to the provost. Office of Faculty Affairs submits P&T materials for candidates recommended for promotion/tenure by the dean to the provost. | 2/3/2025 |
March-May | Department responds to any queries from dean, senior associate dean, coordinator of academic achievement and/or Provost P&T Committee during portfolio review. Chairs are invited as needed. | |
June | Receives list of positive provost recommendations. BOV approved advancements are effective 7/1/2024. | 7/1/2025 |
Resources for Faculty
Health System Access to SharePoint
Documents on this site are stored in SharePoint. You will asked to sign in to view them. You need to use your Eservices/Academic ( email and password.
If you do not remember your password to this account, you can change it by logging into the Identity and Account Management Portal.
Your Health System (computingID@uvahealth/ password works for Netbadge, so you can use that to log into the Identity Portal and specifically change your Eservices password. No changes will be made to your Health System password.
For additional assistance, please contact the UVA Help Desk.
Preparing for P&T
- Start Here: Prepare for P&T and Build Your Portfolio
- P&T Eligibility and Key Terms
- P&T Dossier – provides details on each part of the dossier and includes sample personal statements and CVs.
- Referee Requirements
- P&T Mentor – Mentee Relationship
- Current and former P&T committee members are available to answer any questions you may have about the P&T process.
Highly recommended for new faculty and those who are about to go up for promotion and tenure.
- Timeline Video (view presentation slides) – Walk through the SOM P&T timeline to learn more about the participants, the process and resources available to faculty candidates. Coming soon.
- Format and Content of Your CV Video (view presentation slides) Learn what content is recommended for your CV and how to format it as you prepare for promotion and tenure. NOTE: The updated CV format (as of 4/22/2022) does not require a summary of patient satisfaction scores. Inclusion of these scores is optional.
- Writing Your Personal Statement Video (view presentation slides) Learn how to compose and format your personal statement for promotion and tenure.
- Selecting Your Referees Video (view presentation slides) Learn about the different types of referees and how to go about selecting them for your promotion and tenure.
Resources for Departments
The P&T Advancement App is an online database system that provides access to P&T portfolios for department committees, chairs, and coordinators.
This page provides P&T information specific to department P&T coordinators, department committees, and department chairs. It includes details about P&T committee membership and chair nomination letters.
Faculty Affairs Contacts
- Abbie Salcedo, PhD, MBA, Director of Faculty Affairs,
- Robert Nakamoto, PhD, SOM Coordinator of Academic Achievement,
- Emily Schneider, MILR, Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs,