
UVA SOM Research Portfolio

Advice for the Research Portfolio

  • The research narrative should be written for a knowledgeable but non-expert audience.
  • Limit the research narrative to 4-5 pages (not including the Appendix). Less is better.
  • Do not report impact factors for journals in which you publish or your H-index. These parameters should not be in your promotion materials.
  • Be consistent in formatting, font and style throughout the document.
  • The research portfolio should complement the CV and not replicate it. The CV has the content and the research portfolio provides the context. The referee letter writers will not receive the research, teaching or clinical portfolios. Information that you feel is important for the referees should be in the CV and highlighted in the Personal Statement.
  • Avoid acronyms and abbreviations unless in common use. If you use acronyms or abbreviations, spell out, define or explain at the first use. Avoid lingo and only use terms that can be found by a search engine with the intended meaning.
  • Figures and diagrams such as those from review articles can be very informative but make sure text is legible. Do not show primary data.
  • Updates of this information, especially manuscripts accepted for publication and grants funded, should be submitted to the Dean’s Faculty Affairs and Development Office while your P&T case is under review (from October to January).
  • Sample portfolios from previous P&T candidates are available in SharePoint.

SECTION I: Research Narrative

This section provides context for listings in the CV and describes your research in more detail. Limit to 5 pages.

  1. Introductory statement
      1. Describe overall research interests, including a brief personal research history.
      2. Emphasis should be on current projects, then potential new projects, and finally, projects carried out previously in your faculty position. Do not describe research projects from training positions (student, post-doc, Resident or Fellowships) unless continued as a faculty member.
      3. Describe changes in research directions leading to new projects. Explain factors compelling new directions or projects, and training done to learn new approaches.
  2. Describe specific research projects in individual sections
      1. Distinguish Principal Investigator projects vs team science projects
        1. List collaborators or PIs of projects and their titles and institutions, or for large research or clinical trial consortia, describe their purpose, aims and membership.
        2. Describe your specific roles and why your participation is critical to the project.
      2. For each project, cite your relevant publications and other scholarship that results from each project
        1. Either list the reference with the project description or cite your publications list.
        2. Include manuscripts under review, submitted or in pre-print servers (bioRxiv or medRxiv) (do not name the journal until the paper is accepted.)
        3. For each publication or manuscript, include a full list of authors, indicate the corresponding or senior author(s) by an (*) and underline co-authors who are your trainees.
        4. For collaborative papers, indicate your contributions and roles in the projects.
  3. Provide the link to the journal (DOI) and/or PubMed Central (PMCID).
      1. Your key and most impactful papers should be among the three reprints or pre-prints included in the P&T dossier. Annotate to explain why the paper is important. If not accessible on-line, you may provide reprints or pre-prints of key papers in an Appendix to the research portfolio.
      2. Include unpublished manuscripts only if key to your research.
  4. For each project, list current or proposed funding (internal and external) relevant to each project
      1. Include grants or fellowships awarded to your fellows or students working on the project.

SECTION II: Scholarship

  1. List peer-reviewed publications in the same manner as the CV, but only those that are relevant to the research described in the research narrative.
  2. Other scholarship related to research projects including reviews, books, book chapters, electronic media, conference abstracts, patents and intellectual property.
  3. Invited talks relevant to research: conferences, seminars, Grand Rounds, workshops, symposia, keynote or plenary presentations, etc.

SECTION III: Contributions & Service to Research

These activities should be in the CV. Only highlight the contributions and service that arise from your research. 

  1. Journal or news media highlights of your research. 
  2. Awards, elections to honor societies, society fellows, etc. 
  3. Service membership and leadership appointments (distinguish local, regional, national and international) such as: 
      1. Journal review, editorial boards and editorships 
      2. Grant review panels 
      3. Advising or consulting 
      4. Conference organization 
      5. Society committees 
      6. Executive boards