
Bethany Teachman

Teachman, Bethany A.

Primary Appointment


Contact Information

207 Gilmer Hall
Telephone: 924-0676

Research Disciplines


Research Interests

Anxiety, Cognition and Treatment

Research Description

The Program for Anxiety, Cognition and Treatment (PACT) lab studies
cognitive processes that contribute to the development and maintenance
of psychopathology, particularly anxiety disorders. We are especially
interested in automatic cognitive processing, and trying to understand
how thoughts that occur outside of our awareness or conscious control
contribute to emotional dysregulation.

UNLEASH (Undergraduate Research)

Our lab studies cognitive processes that contribute to anxiety the development and maintenance of psychopathology, with a particular interest in disorders. We evaluate cognitive processing, including biases in attention, interpretation, and memory, across the lifespan. We are especially interested in automatic cognitive processing, and in understanding how to change cognitive biases to improve emotion regulation.
We are looking for RAs interested in working on studies of cognition and psychopathology. RAs help with recruiting and running subjects and attend weekly lab meetings to gain general experience with conducting research. There are also opportunities for advanced RAs to develop their own projects.
Contact: Zhang, Diheng

Selected Publications