
Worthy Martin

Martin, Worthy

Primary Appointment

Computer Science

Contact Information

Rice Hall, Room 509
Telephone: (434) 982-2202
Fax: (434) 982-2214

Research Disciplines

Computer Science

Research Interests

Computer vision, human vision, robotics, genetic algorithms, image databases, and artificial intelligence

Research Description

Martin's primary research interest is dynamic scene analysis, i.e., computer vision in the context of time-varying imagery, as well as the fundamental concepts involved in machine perception systems composed of independent processes operating in distributed computing environments and cooperating to form interpretations of image sequences. Another major research topic involves methodologies for parallel probabilistic problem solving, including, formulations of genetic algorithms that are appropriate for implementation on multiprocessors. The applications are combinatorial optimization problems, e.g., VLSI floor planning and feature selection for signal classification. Other research interests include content-based retrieval from image data bases, and multi-source data fusion algorithms with emphasis on neural network implementations.

Selected Publications