
Shilling, Ashley M.

Primary Appointment

Professor of Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology

Contact Information

Telephone: 434-924-2283
Email: abm5f@Virginia.EDU

Research Interests

Regional anesthesiology, medical student and resident education

Research Description

Ashley Shilling, MD, is an anesthesiologist specializing in regional anesthesia (when a specific area of the body is numbed). She serves as co-chief of the regional anesthesiology division and co-director of the Outpatient Surgical Center at UVA.

Dr. Shilling earned a BS in biology from Washington and Lee University and her MD from UVA. After medical school, she continued at UVA for her residency in anesthesiology, and then joined the faculty in 2005. Her research interests include regional anesthesiology, ambulatory anesthesiology and medical education. In addition to her clinical and research work, Dr. Shilling directs the third-year anesthesiology rotation and co-directs the peri-operative and acute care medicine clerkship at the School of Medicine.

Selected Publications