
George Gillies

Gillies, George T.

Primary Appointment

Professor of Research, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


  • BS, Physics, North Dakota State University
  • MS/PhD, Engineering Physics, University of Virginia

Contact Information

PO Box 400746
Mae Bldg., 105
Telephone: 434-924-7634

Research Disciplines

Biophysics, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Translational Science

Research Interests

Design of novel neurosurgical instrumentation systems, including magnetic stereotactic devices

Research Description

Our research centers on the development of magnetic stereotaxis and medical magnetic manipulation systems for use in neurosurgical, neuroradiological, and other clinical applications. Magnetic stereotaxis is a technique for using magnetic fields and gradients outside the patient’s head as a means of navigating an implanted device such as a drug delivery catheter or an intracerebrovascular probe for thrombosing aneurysms. An important part of this effort is the design and prototyping of novel neurosurgical instruments and technologies used in conjunction with magnetic stereotaxis or in related surgical procedures. Other research includes studies of spinal mechanics and the kinematics of the suboccipital region of the craniomandibular complex, the development of stem cell-based techniques for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, and the development of antisense gene therapy strategies for neoplastic diseases of the central nervous system.

Selected Publications