
Kathleen McManus

McManus, Kathleen A.

Primary Appointment

Assistant Professor, Medicine: Infectious Diseases and International Health


  • AB, Chemistry, Dartmouth College
  • MD, Columbia University
  • MSc, Clinical Research, University of Virginia
  • Residency, Internal Medicine, University of Virginia
  • Chief Resident, Internal Medicine, University of Virginia
  • Fellowship, Infectious Diseases and International Health, University of Virginia

Contact Information

PO Box 801379
Charlottesville, VA 22908
Telephone: 434.924.2516

Research Disciplines

Infectious Diseases/Biodefense

Research Interests

HIV & HIV Prevention: Identifying health policies that will help the United States to end the HIV epidemic

Research Description

Dr. McManus is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Virginia (UVA) in the Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health. She joined the UVA faculty as a physician-scientist in summer 2017 with a research award from the Translational Health Research Institute of Virginia. In August 2018, she was awarded a K08 Mentored Career Development Award from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to study the effects of the Affordable Care Act on low-income people living with HIV and to quantify how health policy changes impact disparities in HIV care. Dr. McManus is a co-chair of the HIV Medical Association's national Ryan White HIV Medical Providers Coalition Steering Committee. Through this position, she has the opportunity to advocate for robust support of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and to provide expertise as a clinician and a researcher on national discussions about HIV and health policy. As a clinician, Dr. McManus sees patients in the UVA Ryan White HIV clinic, and she attends on the Infectious Diseases inpatient consult team and the General Medicine inpatient team.

Dr. McManus is dedicated to helping to mentor and train the next generation of physicians, researchers, and physician-scientists, especially those interested in HIV, HIV prevention, Hepatitis C, infections related to substance use disorder, social determinants of health, access to care, health policy, epidemiology, and data science. She currently serves as the Associate Program Director of the UVA Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program and the faculty mentor for the UVA Internal Medicine Residency Clinical Investigator track. Dr. McManus is also a co-chair of the UVA Women in Internal Medicine Network, and in this role, she enjoys creating opportunities for women faculty, trainees, and staff to come together to learn new skills and share expertise. Additionally, she has worked with undergraduate students, masters-level students (public policy, public health, and data science), medical students, internal medicine residents, and infectious diseases fellows on research projects and international electives. She has also supervised students for independent study electives that focus on data analyses for course credit.

In terms of her training, Dr. McManus received her undergraduate degree in Chemistry from Dartmouth College and her medical doctorate from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. McManus completed Internal Medicine residency and Infectious Diseases fellowship at UVA. She completed a Masters of Science in Clinical Research at UVA during residency as part of the Internal Medicine residency's Clinical Investigator track. During her Infectious Diseases fellowship, she was awarded an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality F32 award to support her research on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on HIV outcomes in Virginia.

In addition to studying HIV care and health policy, Dr. McManus's work has recently expanded into studying access to biomedical HIV prevention. She also collaborates on projects related to access to care for people with Hepatitis C and people with substance use disorders. Her goal is to build a vibrant and diverse team of researchers who quantify and characterize the impact of health policies on the United States' plan to end the HIV epidemic.

Selected Publications