
Bibo Zhu

Zhu, Bibo

Primary Appointment

Assistant Professor, Medicine: Infectious Diseases and International Health


  • PhD, Preventative Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University

Contact Information

1335 Lee St
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903

Research Disciplines

Infectious Diseases/Biodefense

Research Interests

Infectious Diseases

Research Description

Dr. Zhu's research interests lie in the cellular, molecular and metabolic mechanisms that govern tissue resident macrophage proliferation and function during respiratory viral infection.

During postdoctoral training with Dr. Jie Sun at Mayo Clinic, Dr. Zhu focused on the transcriptional regulation of innate cell function and their roles in influenza virus infection (PNAS 2019). This work is among the earliest studies demonstrating transcriptional regulation of neutrophil fate locally which determines the outcome of acute viral infection. His second paper in the lab established a critical role of transcriptional factor PPARg in regulating lung resident macrophage inflammation upon viral infection (JVI, 2019). Dr. Zhu further investigated the relationship between proliferative and inflammatory properties of lung resident macrophages, and how macrophage modulates tissue injury or repair at an acute phase following viral infection (Immunity, 2021).

Selected Publications