
Timothy Wilson

Wilson, Timothy

Primary Appointment


Contact Information

319 Gilmer Hall
Telephone: 924-0674

Research Disciplines


Research Interests

Affective forecasting, self-knowledge, social cognition, self-reflection, social psychological interventions

Research Description

Affective forecasting, self-knowledge, social cognition, self-reflection, social psychological interventions
See the web site for the social psychology area:

<b><i>UNLEASH (Undergraduate Research)</b></i>

Our lab invites motivated, sharp, and sociable undergraduates to help us prepare and run studies that explore people’s emotions and thoughts. We study people’s knowledge about their own feelings, behaviors, abilities and personalities. Our research focus is on emotional reaction to different events in life, and an individual's ability to predict his or her own reaction.
RAs are involved in all parts of the research process. Their main responsibility is to run social psychology studies, process and analyze the results, and see how the results fit social psychology theories. There are also lab meetings where research issues are discussed.

Everyone who works in our lab is required to do so for course credit. Consequently, application must be made before the Coruse Add deadline. for the semester.

Contact: Nick Buttrick []


Selected Publications