Hoke, Tracey R
Primary Appointment
Chief of Quality and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Medicine
Contact Information
Email: trh9k@virginia.edu
Research Interests
Pediatric Cardiology
Research Description
As the Research Director of the UVa Institute for Quality and Patient Safety, Dr. Hoke seeks to establish best practices for academic medical centers in target areas unique to the teaching environment, and to improve quality and safety both at UVa and at academic medical centers across the country.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Delivering expert care in a teaching environment - What is the effect of learners on quality and safety? What is the best model for training? What are appropriate levels of supervision for trainees at various levels of training? How can we use simulation to enhance both cognitive and technical skills "off line"?
- HOC - Improving communication and hand off of care between trainees, attendings, and between disciplines. What types of information are essential to a safe and efficient handoff at each training level? Can a common process be developed for information transfer that is utilized by all disciplines and is patient/family centered? Can we develop an information system to support a patient/family-centered handoff process?
- Reducing variation in care/Improving adherence to national guidelines - When and how do academic physicians utilize guidelines? When and why do we function outside of guidelines? What is the role of the academic medical center in advancing medical care, and how should academic medical centers be evaluated in relation to guideline-based medicine?
- Operational opportunities that integrate research and education to advance of quality and safety in academic medical centers - How can research databases be utilized to improve quality? How can trainees be integrated into quality and safety initiatives to enhance education and enhance quality? How can clinical informatics research be utilized to enhance quality and patient safety?
- Reduction of Health Disparities
- Advancing care of the uninsured and underinsured
- Expert care in the setting of high service volume and patient crowding
Selected Publications