
Sasheenie Moodley

August 25, 2020 by

My name is Sasheenie. I was born and grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. After finishing my undergrad (Global Development Studies) at UVa, I pursued my PhD at the University of Oxford. I work with HIV-positive pregnant teenagers to understand what life is like during teenage pregnancy and teenage motherhood in peri-urban South Africa. 

I am excited to be part of the GSP family. As I understand it, GSP focuses its efforts on learning about – and understanding the goals of – primary care. I believe primary care is one of the best ways we can bridge the ‘healthcare gap’ in these great United States. In doing so, we might be one step closer to closing the gaps in education, socioeconomic status and so on. Perhaps? Much remains to be seen. One thing is for sure: there are countless UVa faculty (and older students, who I consider mentors) working tirelessly to achieve these goals. I am grateful to be learning from them in this incredible place called UVa. A place where you will find the best (men’s) basketball team in the country, the most delicious bagels, a World Heritage Site, and a deep passion for life-long learning.

Please reach out to me if you have questions about the amazing GSP program. I’d love to share my experience.