

See select recent publications below

Enteropathogen Research
Liu, Platts-Mills et al. Use of Quantitative Molecular Diagnostic Methods to Identify Causes of Diarrhea in Children: a Reanalysis of the GEMS Case-Control Study.
Lancet. 2016 Sep 24; 388(10051): 1291-301

Fleece, Pholwat et al. Molecular Diagnosis of Antimicrobial Resistance in Escherichia coli.
Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2018 Mar; 18(3):207-17.

Operario*, Platts-Mills* et al., Etiology of Severe Acute Watery Diarrhea in Children in the Global Rotavirus Surveillance Network using Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
J Infect Dis. 2017 Jul 15; 216(2):220-7
*Authors share equal first credit

Platts-Mills et al. Impact of Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction and Post-Introduction Etiology of Diarrhea Requiring Hospital Admission in Haydom, Tanzania, a Rural African Setting.
Clin Infect Dis. 2017 May; 65(7):1144-51

Liu, Gratz, et al., Optimization of Quantitative PCR Methods for Enteropathogen Detection.
PLoS One. 2016 June; 11(6):e0158199

Tuberculosis Research
Lyles et al., Pharmacokinetics of tuberculosis drugs in HIV infected patients from Irkutsk, Russian Federation: redefining drug activity.
Eur Respir J. 2018 Mar; epub

Heysell et al., Hearing loss with kanamycin treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Bangladesh.
Eur Respir J. 2018 Mar; 51(3)

Operario et al., Prevalence and Extent of Heteroresistance by Next Generation Sequencing of Multidrug-Resistant tuberculosis. PLoS One. May 2017; 12(5):e0176522

Pholwat et al., Integrated Microfluidic Card with TaqMan Probes and High-Resolution Melt Analysis to Detect Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Mutations across 10 Genes.
MBio. Feb 2015; 6(2):e02273

Thomas, Heysell, et al. Outbreak of pyrazinamide-monoresistant tuberculosis identified using genotype cluster and social media analysis.
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2014 May; 18(5):552-8;jsessionid=3abgqr971c8la.x-ic-live-02

Acute Febrile Illness Research
Abade et al., Use of TaqMan Array Cards to Screen Outbreak Specimens for Causes of Febrile Illness in Tanzania.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2018 Apr: epub

Liu et al., Development of a TaqMan Array Card for Acute-Febrile-Illness Outbreak Investigation and Surveillance of Emerging Pathogens, including Ebola Virus.
J Clin Microbiol. Jan 2016; 54(1):49-58

Pholwat et al. The Malaria TaqMan Array Card Includes 87 Assays for Plasmodium falciparum Drug Resistance, Identification of Species, and Genotyping in a Single Reaction.
Antimicrobial Agents Chemother. Apr 2017; 61(5): pii:e00110-17

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