
ID Clinical Fellowships (MD)

Infectious Diseases Training Program (MD)

New fellows standing in front of a bench

Welcome to the new Fellows! Jackie Hodges, Jen Sasson & Brian Grundy

UVA’s Infectious Disease Fellowship for MDs is a three-year program that aims to produce world-class physicians dedicated to a career in academic infectious diseases. Our program offers rigorous training and supervised experience with faculty members who have broad clinical and research expertise.

Opportunities abound for rich interdisciplinary research experiences in cutting-edge basic science and translational, clinical, and epidemiologic infectious diseases research. Research takes place in state-of-the-art laboratories, clinics, and hospitals, at UVA and in facilities around the world. Research themes include care for patients with HIV; modeling and outcomes related to critical care and severe sepsis; epidemiology of multi-drug resistant organisms; global health; diagnostics; immunology; host susceptibility to infection; host-pathogen interactions; and pathogenesis of infectious diseases.

Why UVA?

  • UVA Medical Center is the only major tertiary care center in a catchment area of approximately 4,000 square miles offering comprehensive infectious diseases specialty services. Thus we see a variety of interesting and challenging infectious disease cases.
  • The Charlottesville-Albemarle region has a population of approximately 100,000, and UVA Medical Center receives referrals from a number of nearby cities, including Lynchburg, Roanoke, Staunton, and Waynesboro. Trainees thus see patients with infections common to urban settings, including those related to drug use (hepatitis B and C, HIV); bloodstream infections; endocarditis; and infections acquired through close contact in crowded environments, such as influenza, pertussis, and all etiologies of community-acquired pneumonia.
  • The rural surroundings produce a variety of ID cases arising from the environment, such as endemic mycoses, soil-borne infections like endocardiosis, non-tuberculous mycobacteria, and tick-borne infections like ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and animal-borne infections like Q fever, cryptococcosis and rabies.
  • A large local population of immigrants and migrant workers, as well as the many international travelers affiliated with UVA, produce a variety of travel-related illnesses, including common ones such as malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and hepatitis A, and less-common ones such as ascariasis, fascioliasis, tick typhus, and lepromatous leprosy.
  • Close affiliation between the UVA Ryan White HIV Clinic and the ID Inpatient Consultation Service gives trainees experience with an array of HIV-related illnesses related to opportunistic infections, malignancies, and HAART-related complications.

Fellows benefit from training and close collaboration with one of the most distinguished faculties in infectious diseases in the country. For more on our program, click here.