



Online application for Fellowship Training (ERAS)

Click Here

A stipulation of our NIH Training Grant is that our fellowship trainees must be either United States citizens or permanent residents. However, we encourage highly qualified international physicians to apply, with funding obtained through other sources.

Applications will be received only through ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service).

Only completed applications will be considered, and must include all of the following documentation:

  • ERAS Application
  • Medical School Dean’s letter
  • Medical School transcript
  • Residency Program Director’s letter of recommendation
  • two additional letters of recommendation
  • USMLE transcript – Steps 1, 2 and 3 are required.
  • ECFMG certification, if appropriate
  • Personal statement
  • Photograph


Online application for Fellowship Training (ERAS)

Click Here

Dates, Virtual Interviews, Deadlines

  • Accepting applications through ERAS
  • Interviews conducted virtually August 30th, 2021 through October 18th, 2021
  • NRMP Match Day: December 1, 2021

Further Information

Please contact the Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program Coordinator, at (434) 243-6832