Thomas, Tania A
Primary Appointment
Associate Professor, Medicine: Infectious Diseases and International Health
- Clinical Fellowship, Infectious Diseases, University of Virginia
- Residency, Internal Medicine & Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine
- BA, Anthropology, Magna Cum Laude, Boston University
- MD/MPH, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Oregon Health Sciences University
Contact Information
PO Box 801340
MR-6, Room 1524
Charlottesville, VA 22908
Telephone: 434-243-9592
Fax: 434-924-0075
Email: tat3x@Virginia.EDU
Research Interests
Pediatric tuberculosis: epidemiology and biomarkers for diagnosis/prognosis
Research Description
Dr. Thomas’ research program involves the epidemiology and diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis (TB). She works with collaborators in TB-endemic settings within Tanzania, Pakistan and the Philippines. Her work focuses on biomarkers of TB, including pharmacokinetics of TB medications. She also conducts community-based contact investigation studies to increase the early detection of pediatric TB cases. Domestically, she serves as the state consultant for pediatric TB cases through the Virginia Department of Health.