
Chelsea Marie

Marie, Chelsea

Primary Appointment

Associate Professor, Medicine: Infectious Diseases and International Health


  • BS, Microbiology and Chemistry, Oregon State University
  • PhD, Pathobiology, University of Washington

Contact Information

UVA Division of Infectious Diseases
345 Crispell Drive, MR-6, Room 2713
Charlottesville, VA 22908
Telephone: 434.243.3402

Research Disciplines


Research Interests

Human intestinal parasitology

Research Description

I am interested in the mucosal immune response to enteric pathogens. My current research includes understanding the cellular and immune mechanisms that underly environmental enteropathy in children in Bangladesh and patients with recurrent Clostridium difficile infection at UVa.
My experimental research explores host factors identified in clinical cohorts as potential targets for host-directed therapeutics.

Selected Publications