Emergency Information
1. Emergency Phone List
The Emergency Phone List handled by the MIC office. Please contact Jon Stafford for further details (434) 243-9206 or js8sj@virginia.edu
2. Post in your lab on Bulletin Board
Fire Safety Regulations
Download the UVA Fire Safety Brochure here
Sample of Disaster-Recovery Plan for Labs – post/file copy of this in your lab
3. Be Familiar with the following Requirements
School of Medicine Environmental Health and Safety Checklist for Laboratories
4. Other
As a basic lab policy each lab person should know:
- Location of lab notebooks and disaster recovery plan for lab
- Location of the BSL and radioactive material usage procedures
- Who within each lab monitors required laboratory training of each employee and the respective documentation (EHS training, ACUC training, etc.)
- Signs on cold rooms, manuals for BSL rooms, etc. – (Update and keep current)
- Ensure no extension cords are in use
- No electric cords are frayed
- No cardboard of flammables are touching the ceiling – no objects too close to sprinklers