
News and Events

Undergraduate student in the Zong Lab wins poster contest

Congratulations to Alyssa Kelder for winning the best poster award in the 2015 Undergraduate Research Session held by the Department of Biology, UVa. Alyssa was mentored by Philippe Gonzalez, MIC…

Welcome to Melanie Rutkowski, PhD

We would like to welcome our newest member to the department!  Melanie Rutkowski, PhD has an appointment with the UVA Cancer Center, is a full member of the Carter Immunology…

Surprising Science – By chance, Thomas Braciale, MD, PhD discovered a new way to spark red blood cell production.

"Scientific discoveries are often the product of painstaking research over years, but once in a while laboratories get lucky.  Such was the case at the University of Virginia’s  Immunology Center,…

MIC researcher Kodi S. Ravichandran and his team have identified a new mechanism that has the potential to be manipulated to regulate cholesterol levels.

Fond, Chang Sup Lee, Ravichandran and colleagues have now discovered the components of the molecular machinery by which dying cells boost ABCA1 in phagocytes. They discovered that when the phagocytic…

MIC Professor Timothy Bender receives School of Medicine’s Robert J. Kadner Prize for Outstanding Graduate Teaching

Congratulations to Tim Bender, PhD on receiving the 2015 Robert J. Kadner Prize for Outstanding Graduate Teaching.  This award recognizes faculty in the School of Medicine who have made outstanding…

Oct. 2, 2015 4:00PM Ninth Annual Robert J. Kadner Distinguished Lecture in Microbiology: “The Tao of Gene Regulation”

Dr. Groisman’s work demonstrates that organisms care not only about the particular activation level that is achieved in response to a given signal but also about how that activation level…

MIC Professor Amy Bouton, PhD receives DOD grant for research on “Predicting Sensitivity of Breast Tumors to Src-targeted Therapies Through Assessment of Cas/Src/BCAR3 Activity”

Congratulations to Professor Amy Bouton, PhD!  She received a grant from the Department of Defense (DoD) for the duration of 9/15/15-9/14/18 to support her research on “Predicting Sensitivity of Breast…

R01 from National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) for MIC Professor Mitch Smith, PhD

Congratulations to MIC Professor MM Smith, PhD for receiving his RO1 grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) to support his research on “Tandem Tudor Domain Probes…

MIC Assistant Professor Kwon Park, PhD receives RO1 for ‘Role of metabolic plasticity in lung cancer progression’

Congratulations to Kwon-Sik Park, PhD for receiving his RO1 grant from the National Cancer Institute for his research on the "Role of metabolic plasticity in lung cancer progression" for the…

MIC Assistant Professor Melissa Kendall, PhD receives RO1 for “Ethanolamine Signaling in Virulence Gene Regulation and Host/Microbial Interactions”

Congratulations to Melissa Kendall, PhD on receiving her RO1 for “Ethanolamine Signaling in Virulence Gene Regulation and Host/Microbial Interactions”.  The grant is given by the National Institute of Allergy and…