Material Transfer Agreements
How to obtain a Material Transfer Agreement or a Data Use Agreement
Step One: Complete the appropriate form from the Grants and Contracts site
Step Two: Submit form (and draft MTA/DUA if you received one) to
Step Three: Obtain and submit additional documentation. If your MTA requires additional documentation, such as IRB approval submit the contract request form early and obtain the additional approvals in parallel with contract negotiations. If you are uncertain about what additional approvals may be required, contact your assigned contract negotiator. The following are examples of approvals that may be required depending on the circumstances:
- IRB approval
- Export control approval
- Certification of de-identification of data
Frequently Asked Questions
MTA and DUAs are legally binding agreements and can only be signed by authorized University officials.
A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a contract that documents the transfer of materials from one researcher to another. A Data Use Agreement (DUA) is a contract that documents the transfer of certain types of data from one researcher to another.
If you are sending or receiving materials or data (that is not already covered by another agreement), you are required to use an MTA or DUA that meets the legal and policy requirements of the University of Virginia.
These simple contracts establish important legal rights that could significantly impact your research such as your ability to publish or preservation of your intellectual property rights. MTAs and DUAs also address regulatory compliance and liability issues.
Additional approvals required will depend on the circumstances. If materials are leaving the US, then export control review is required. If the transfer relates to human subjects, IRB approval may be required. In the case of data, you may be asked to obtain a determination that any Personal Health Information (PHI) has been de-identified in compliance with HIPAA. Ask your contract negotiator for guidance.