
Publications & Newsletters

Health Talk

“Ear Tubes for Young Children” – Fall, 2001
Its hard for concerned parents to see their child cry from the pain of an earache. Though nothing new- doctors have been treating children for ear infections for a hundred years- the number of cases does seem to be increasing
“This is Not Your Father’s Hearing Aid” (Health Talk) – Spring, 2001
While many of use still think of hearing aids as large cumbersome instruments that are constantly squealing and demanding adjustments by the wearer, the latest generation of hearing aids has made a leap forward into the digital age….
“Catch Them While They’re Young: UVa Gives Head and Neck Cancer Prevention Talks to Area Sixth Graders” – Winter, 2001
Holding the attention of a room full of sixth graders isn’t very easy, but they aren’t letting that obstacle get in their way. Their mission: to help kids made smart decisions on alcohol and tobacco use in hopes of preventing head and neck cancer from developing later in life…
“Sinusitis Sufferers Encouraged to Seek Treatment” – Summer, 2000
The number of cases of sinusitis has risen dramatically in recent years in response to rises in population, increasing population density, urban sprawl and resistance to antibiotics. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), more than 27 million Americans suffer from at least one episode each year of sinusitis…
“Does Your Child Snore?” – Winter, 2000
Obstructive sleep apnea can be a serious disorder in children and adults that causes their breathing to stop and start during sleep. The airway in the back of the throat narrows, and at times, collapses. When it does, the sleeper stops breathing for a few seconds or longer….
“Voices Raised” – Winter, 2000
Early signs of vocal fold irritation may include a continual need to clear the throat, a sensation of soreness after talking, feeling a lump or tightness in the throat, and voice fatigue from speaking for a short time. “Basically, what people should look for is discomfort or strain when speaking or singing,” says Dr. Khidr. “We hope that people will seek help earlier rather than later. This gives us more time to use voice therapy to correct their vocal behavior before it leads to problems that can only be dealt with surgically”….
“Put the Heat on Snoring” – Fall, 1999
The University of Virginia Health System was the first teaching hospital in Virginia to offer a new procedure that can reduce snoring. The 30-minute, minimally invasixr procedure, called somnoplasty, uses heat energy to shrink and stiffen excess tissue in the upper airway. This can reduce the vibration and intensity of snoring….
“Oral Cancer: What Can You Do About It?” – Spring, 1999
Many types of cancer occur in people who have no known risk factors. Cancers of the lip and oral cavity, however, are notorious for developing primarily, but not exclusively, in those who have risk factors involving life choices….
“100th Cochlear Implant at UVa” – Spring, 1999
On January 26, Hammond became the University of Virginia’s 100th cochlear implant recipient. This highly specialized surgical procedure will grant Hammond passage into the world of intricate sounds, including sounds she’s wanted to hear all her life…
“Tinnitus: The Sounds of Silence” – Spring, 1998
If you’ve got tinnitus, you probably really, really miss the “sounds of silence.” People with tinnitus seem to hear a steady hissing or buzzing sound, even though there isn’t any such sound coming into their ears. When tinnitus isn’t very loud, many people can “live with it.” For others, the noise is very loud, never ending and can also cause sensitivity to other sounds. These individuals can become anxious, unable to concentrate, withdrawn and sleepless. Some people have been driven to thoughts of suicide….
“Off Balance? Dizzy? Center Offers Solutions” – Fall, 1998
Dizziness and balance disorders can often make it difficult to walk, let along drive or do other everyday tasks. These problems can also cause other physical ailments such as stomach upset, headache and blurred vision. balance disorders affect one out of three people during their lives….

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Perspectives in Otolaryngology-head & Neck Surgery

Spring, 2003

  • Pediatric Cochlear Implantation: State of the Art

  • Hearing Aid Update

  • 27th Annual Fitz-Hugh Symposium

Autumn, 2002

  • Hair Cell Regeneration Update

  • Case Report: The Bifid Nose

  • Novel Therapies for Frontal Sinus Disease

  • Dominican Republic Otology Mission Trip

  • 26th Annual Fitz-Hugh Symposium

Spring, 2002

  • Nose Blowing Propels Nasal Fluid into the Paranasal Sinuses

  • 26th Annual Fitz-Hugh Symposium

  • Assessment of Congenital Choanal Atresia (CCA) by 3-Dimensional CT Volume Rendering

  • Cochlear Implant Program Update

  • Issues Related to the Management of Chronic Tinnitus

Autumn, 2001

  • Skull Base Erosion by Sphenoid Mycetomas

  • Tragal Cartilage Graft

  • 25th Annual Fitz-Hugh Symposium

  • In vivo 111Indium Imaging of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck

  • Resident Update

Winter, 2001

  • Using Stroboscopy in Your Daily Laryngological Practice

  • Elevated Nitric Oxide Metabolite Levels in Chronic Sinusitis

  • The Flaring Stitch in Functional Rhinoplasty

  • Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Clinical & Research Faculty

  • Department Renovations

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“Learning How To Talk Back” – Spring, 2003

Auditory-Verbal Therapy Gives Voice to Profoundly Deaf Children…

“Endoscopic Repair of CSF Rhinorrhea”– Winter, 2002

Nearly once a month, a patient is referred to the University of Virginia Health System’s ENT clinic with a condition known as CSF rhinorrhea, in which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks into the nose through a defect of the anterior skull base….

“Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy: Taking Aim at Head and Neck Cancer”– Winter, 2002

Oncologists know that radiation kills cancer cells, but they also know it can damage the healthy organs and tissue near those cells. In cancers of the head and neck, the proximity of tumors to critical structures such as the eye, spinal core and brain stem is a special challenge….

“Ringing in New Tinnitus Treatments”– Summer, 2002

Dinnertime conversation between two UVa health care professionals led to innovations in multidisciplinary treatment for people with tinnitus. Roger Ruth, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and director of UVa’s Tinnitus Clinic, often discussed….

“This is Not Your Father’s Hearing Aid” – Spring, 2001

While many of use still think of hearing aids as large cumbersome instruments that are constantly squealing and demanding adjustments by the wearer, the latest generation of hearing aids has made a leap forward into the digital age….

“Center Puts New Spin On Balance Disorders” – Spring/Summer 1998

Dizziness and balance disorders can affect all aspects of a person’s life, often making it hard to simply walk, let alone drive. They can cause other physical ailments such as stomach upset, headache and blurred vision. “It’s disconcerting. If you’re feeling unbalanced and dizzy, it can be very difficult to work, take care of yourself or your family and, in general, go about your daily activities”….

“Healing With Oxygen” – Fall/Winter 1998

For wounds and infections that are hard to heal, UVa has just the very thing: an oxygen chamber. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) is the technique of supersaturating tissue with oxygen to promote healing. There must be much truth, in fact, to the old saying, “Let the air get to it”….

“Implants Open Up the World of Sound”– Fall/Winter 1997

Phoenix Burgamy received a cochlear implant when she was 22 months old, making her the youngest person to do so at UVa. Six months later, she is now making great strides in oral communication through the benefits of the implant and the auditory/verbal approach to teaching sound communication….

“All Around a Wondrous Sound” – Summer/Fall 1996

There are only a few surgeons in the United States who regularly perform surgery to correct congenital aural atresia, perhaps only a scattering of others in the world who do it with any volume. One of these surgeons is Robert A. Jahrsdoerfer, MD, at the University of Virginia Medical Center…..

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Clinical Minutes

“Vestibular and Balance Center Assists All Specialties” – May, 2002

Balance problems are not normal at any age. Over time there may be some physical deterioration of the balance system, but dizziness and unsteadiness are always abnormal symptoms…

“Ear Tubes for Otitis Media in Children” – August, 2001

While not a new disease, the incidence of otitis media in children seems to have increased in recent years, possibly dur to an increased number of children in day care settings. Myringotomy tubes have long been a surgical option for pediatric otitis media….

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Vital Signs

“Support Group Works To Raise Awareness Of Head, Neck Cancer” – April,2003

According to The American Cancer Society, approximately 55,000 people will be diagnosed and nearly 13,000 will die from head and neck cancer. . .

“A Team Approach to Vertigo Offers Relief” – May, 2002

The good news is that there is help for people with balance disorders. Balance disorders are common and can affect people of any age, gender, race, or socioeconomic group….

“Preventive Measures Temper Effects of Aging on the Skin” – May, 2002

Another summer is over, tans have faded, and you may be noticing a few more wrinkles than last year. Not all facial wrinkles are the same and a fair amount of research has gone into the understanding and management of them….

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University of Virginia Link

“Patients Attest to Excellence in Care”– June,2003

The “Royal Treatment” they’ve found at UVa began on the first day they arrived at the ENT Clinic. .

“Center Helps People Get Lives Back in Balance” – May, 2002

Most of us have felt dizzy or queasy on a boat or an amusement ride. Imagine experiencing that feeling of seasickness just by going about daily activities? For people with dizziness and balance disorders, this is exactly what happens….

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