
EVENT: Discoveries on the Nature of Life, Death & Consciousness with Dr. Greyson

November 10, 2021, Bruce Greyson:  “The One Mind— ‘Mind Blowing’ Discoveries on the Nature of Life, Death & Consciousness” with host Christopher Naughton 

Bruce Greyson at his deskBruce Greyson was interviewed on November 10th for this series

Video on Demand After Each Session

7:00-8:30 EST

25.00 per session in this series

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Christopher Naughton (host) is a former trial lawyer, producer/host of the Emmy®-award winning American Public Television (APT) program The American Law Journal, host of the NPR affiliate and Unity online New World Radio show and the author of the upcoming book America’s Next Great Awakening: A New American Revolution in Consciousness.