
Category: Children Who Report Past Lives

UVA’s Division of Perceptual Studies Launches Major Research Initiative on Children’s Past-Life Memories


The Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) at the University of Virginia is pleased to announce a groundbreaking $750,000 research program investigating Cases of the Reincarnation Type (CORT). This two-year initiative,…

EVENT: Come to “Profs and Pints” to Learn More from DOPS faculty about Existence Beyond the Body


On Wednesday, November 13, from 5:30-8:00 PM, Profs and Pints Charlottesville will present “Existence Beyond the Body,” a discussion of studies of consciousness after death, with DOPS researchers Drs. David Acunzo, Philip…

VIDEO: Drs. Jim Tucker and Ed Kelly present at Mangalam Research Center’s “Mind, Death, & Rebirth” special series


Dr. Jim Tucker and Dr. Edward F. Kelly recently participated in the Mangalam Research Center's special series of talks on “Mind, Death, & Rebirth.” The talks approach these topics in…

EVENT: Parental Attitudes on Children’s Past Life Memories with Dr. Philip Cozzolino


Description: Dr. Philip Cozzolino from the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) presents the latest findings in “cases of the reincarnation type”, or CORT, research. For 60+ years, DOPS researchers have…