
Category: Mediumship

EVENT: Dr. Ed Kelly discusses his recent Scholarly Work “Beyond Physicalism” at the Virginia Festival of the Book


March 17, 2016, Charlottesville, VA. Virginia Festival of the Book- UVA DOPS Researchers  presented at the 22nd annual Virginia Festival of the Book.  Topic of discussion: Body and Soul: Reconciling…

EVENT: New Dialogues Between Buddhism and Science at the Ligmincha Institute with Dr. Ed Kelly


February 18-19, 2012, Ligmincha Institute Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Nelson County, VA, New Dialogues Between Buddhism and Science This was a one and a half day conference with Geshe…

EVENT: New Directions in the Dialogue between Buddhism and Science at the Ligmincha Institute


October 2nd, 2010, Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Nelson County, VA New Directions in the Dialogue between Buddhism and Science. This was a one-day workshop with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche,…