
Brock, Donna Jean, M.S.

Donna J. Brock, MS

Donna Jean Brock, MS

Research Program Officer
M.S., Experimental Psychology, Wake Forest University, 1994

Tel: 434-962-5870
16 E. Main St.
Christiansburg, Virginia 24073

Over the past 20 years I have worked in academic and healthcare settings conducting evaluation and research for projects ranging from alcohol, tobacco, and drug use prevention among children to military family needs during deployment and reintegration, and more recently, to lifestyle programs targeting obesity related outcomes.  As a Research Program Officer for Dr. Jamie Zoellner’s lab, I assist in coordinating research and outreach efforts.  I have a keen interest in collaboration and capacity building and am excited to be a part of a research team that utilizes Community Based Participatory Research practices to provide sustainable prevention and intervention efforts in health disparate communities. Collaboration between our lab and UVA’s Cancer Center will help to expand the Cancer Center without Walls’ outreach and community-based research program into southwest and Southside Virginia.


  • Zoellner J, Hill J, Brock D, Barlow M, Alexander R, Brito F, Price B, Jones C, Marshall R, Estabrooks P. One-Year Mixed-Methods Case Study of a Community-Academic Advisory Board addressing Childhood Obesity. Health Promotion and Practice, (In Press, on-line first Feb 2017).
  • Marek, L. I. & Brock, D. P. (2014). Evaluating collaboration for effectiveness: Conceptualization and measurement. American Journal of Evaluation. Available online at
  • Brock, D. P., Marek, L. I., Matteo-Kerney, C., & Bagby, T. (2013). Open groups: Adaptations in implementing a parent training program. Health Promotion Perspectives, 3(2), 230–241.
  • Redican, K. J., Marek, L. I., Brock, D. P., & McCance-Katz, E. F. (2012). Exploring the etiologic factors and dynamics of prescription drug abuse in southwest Virginia. Health Promotion Perspectives, 2, 153-165.
  • Marek, L. I., Hollingsworth, W. G., D’Aniello, C., O’Rourke, K., Brock, D. P., Moore, L., Butler, J. L., Zhang, J., and Wiles, B. (Spring 2012). Returning home: What we know about the reintegration of deployed service members into their families and communities. NCFR Report Magazine. Retrieve at
  • Marek, L. I., Brock, D. P., & Sullivan, R. (2006). Cultural Adaptations to a Family Life Skills Program: Implementation in Rural Appalachia. Journal of Primary Prevention, 27, 113-133.
  • Marek, L. I., Mancini, J.A., Earthman, G.E., & Brock, D.J.P (2003). Ongoing community-based program implementation, successes, and obstacles: The national youth at-risk program sustainability study.  Virginia Cooperative Extension Service (
  • Marek, L. I., Mancini, J. A., Brock, D. P., Earthman, G. E., & Viers, D. (2001). Ongoing community-based program implementation, successes, and obstacles: The national youth-at-risk program sustainability study. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication # 350-802.
  • Marek, L. I., Mancini, J. A., & Brock, D. P. (1999). Continuity, success, and survival of community-based projects: The national youth at risk program sustainability study. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication # 350-801.
  • FormyDuval, D. L., Williams, J. E., Patterson, D. J., & Fogle, E. E. (1995). A “Big Five” scoring system for the item pool of the adjective check list. The Journal of Personality Assessment, 65 (1), 59-76.