
Conaway, Mark R., Ph.D.

Conaway, Mark R., Ph.D.Mark Conaway received his PhD in 1985 in Statistics from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Conaway has been a faculty member in the UVA School of Medicine since 1996 when he was one of the first faculty members hired in the newly formed Department of Health Evaluation Sciences.

During his time at the UVA School of Medicine, Dr. Conaway has established a number of collaborations in basic, clinical and translational research, primarily in the areas of Pediatrics, Neurology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Diabetes and Cancer.   While at UVA, Dr. Conaway has been  the primary statistician for more than 100 externally funded grants, including 6 Program Project (P01) grants  and 2 Center (P30) grants.  He  was the Principal Investigator for two R01 grants (2010-2019) developing methods for the design of early stage trials.    In addition to trial design,  Dr. Conaway has done methodological work in developing reference centiles and in methods for handling missing data.

Dr. Conaway served as a member of the School of Medicine Promotion and Tenure Committee from 2003-2012 ,  the Provost P&T Committee from 2012-2015 and as Chair of the Departmental P&T committee from 2011-2022.  He has served on numerous study sections for the NIH, including as a member of the Clinical Oncology Study Section from 2010-2014 and for NASA’s Human Research Program.  He is a member of the FDA Oncologic Drug Advisory Committee (2021-2025).

Dr. Conaway was elected a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2012.

Office of the Chair
Ph.D., Statistics, University of Minnesota, 1985

P.O. Box 800717
Tel: 1-434-924-8510
Fax: 1-434-924-8437
Old Med School, Room 3885

Design and analysis for clinical trials; Statistical methods for animal models; Longitudinal data, Missing data.

Research Interests:
Dr. Conaway’s areas of research interest include: missing data, design of phase I and phase II clinical trials, and developing reference norms.

Teaching Responsibilities:
PHS 7310 Clinical Trials Methodology (secondary instructor)

Recent Publications:

Wages N, Braun T and Conaway M (2023) Isotonic design for phase I cancer clinical trials with late-onset toxicities. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, pp 1 -14.

Heysell S, Mpagama S, Ogarkov O, Conaway  M , Ahmed S , Zhdanova  S , Pholwat S , Alshaer M, Chongolo A, Mujaga B , Sariko M, Saba  S,  Mazidur Rahman S , Uddin  M ,  Suzdalnitsky  A , Moiseeva E,  Zorkaltseva  E,  Koshcheyev  M , Vitko S ,  Mmbaga  B, Kibiki G ,  Pasipanodya  J,  Peloquin C , Banu S and Houpt E. (2022).  Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic determinants of clinical outcomes for rifampin-resistant tuberculosis: a multi-site prospective cohort study,   Clinical Infectious Disease,  2022 Jun 22;ciac511.  doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac511. Online ahead of print

Brenton, J , Lehner-Gulotta D, Woolbright E, Banwell  B, Bergqvist AG,  Chen S, Coleman R, Conaway M and Goldman, M.  (2022) Phase II study of ketogenic diets in relapsing multiple sclerosis: safety, tolerability and potential clinical benefits,  Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. Epub ahead of print.  Doi 10.1136/jnnp-2022-329074.

Ramey S, DeLuca S, Stevenson R, Conaway M, Darragh A and Lo W for the CHAMP investigators (2021). Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy for Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics October 2021, [epub ahead of print]  e2020033878; DOI: PMID: 34649982

Cox D, Banton T, Moncrief M, Conaway M,Diamond A, and McCall A (2020) Minimizing Glucose Excursions (GEM) with Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the Endocrine Society,

Heymann P, Platts-Mills T, Woodfolk J, Borish L ,  Murphy D, Carper H, Conaway M,  Steinke J, Muehling L,  Teague G, .Kennedy J, Irani A-M,  McGraw M , Early S, Wheatley L, Adams A, and Turner R (2020) Understanding the Asthmatic Response to an Experimental Rhinovirus Infection: Exploring the Effects of Blocking IgE.  Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Online ahead of print. Feb 2020.

Conaway M. and Petroni G. (2019) The impact of early phase trial design in the drug development process. Clinical Cancer Research. 2019 Jan 15;25(2):819-827. PMID:  30327310 PMCID: PMC5712236

Horton BJ, Wages, NA  and Conaway, MR (2019) Shift models for dose-finding in partially ordered groups. Clinical Trials, Volume: 16, Issue: 1, Pages: 32-40. Online ahead of print DOI: 10.1177/1740774518801599. PMID:    30309262 PMCID:    PMC6684162

Wages N and Conaway M. (2018) Revisiting isotonic phase I design in the era of model-assisted dose-finding. Clinical Trials. Volume: 15 Issue: 5   Pages: 524-529   PMID:30101616. PMCID:  PMC6133737

Conaway, M. (2017) Isotonic Designs for Phase I Trials in Partially Ordered Groups. Clinical Trials. Vol 14. 5: 491-498. PMID: 28776422

Conaway MR (2017) A design for phase I trials in completely or partially ordered groups. Statistics in Medicine. 2017. Volume 36, Issue 15, pp 2323-2332 PMID:    PMC5571448


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