Assistant Professor of Research
Public Health Sciences
Population Health and Prevention Sciences
P.O. Box 800717
Tel: 1-434-924-9750
560 Ray C. Hunt Drive, Room 2108
Education and Training:
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute | 2012-2015
Ph.D., Cornell University, Nutritional Sciences (minors: Genomics, Epidemiology) | 2013
M.P.H., Yale University, Chronic Disease Epidemiology | 2008
B.S., Cornell University, Biology & Society | 2005
Epidemiology of chronic diseases, nutritional epidemiology, study design, smoking, application of biomarkers to epidemiologic studies, metabolomics, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, obesity
Peer-reviewed publications:
- KA Guertin, ND Freedman, E Loftfield, RZ Stolzenberg-Solomon, BI Graubard, R A prospective study of coffee intake and pancreatic cancer: results from the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. British Journal of Cancer 2015; 113: 1081-1085. doi:10.1038/bjc.2015.235
- KA Guertin, ND Freedman, E Loftfield, BI Graubard, NE Caporaso, R Coffee Consumption and Risk of Lung Cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. International Journal of Epidemiology, E-published June 2015. PMID: 26082405. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv104.
- KA Guertin, F Gu, S Wacholder, ND Freedman, OA Panagiotou, C Reyes-Guzman, N Caporaso. Time to First Morning Cigarette and Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Smokers in the PLCO Cancer Screening PLOS ONE 2015; 10(5). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125973
- KA Guertin†, E Loftfield†, SM Boca, JN Sampson, SC Moore, Q Xiao, W Huang, X Xiong, ND Freedman, AJ Cross, R Serum biomarkers of habitual coffee consumption may provide insight into the mechanism underlying the association between coffee consumption and colorectal cancer. († equal contribution) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2015.
- PA Cassano, KA Guertin, AR Kristal, KB Arnold, J Crowley, J Hartline, G Goodman, C Tangen, LM Minasian, SM Lippman, EA Klein. Effect of Vitamin E and Selenium on Rate of Decline in FEV1: The Respiratory Ancillary Study to The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT). Respiratory Research 2015; 16:35. doi 10.1186/s12931-015-0195-5.
- KA Guertin, SC Moore, JN Sampson, Q Xiao, RZ Stolzenberg-Solomon, R Sinha, AJ Cross. Identifying metabolites associated with diet and the potential of metabolomics in nutritional American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2014; 100(1): 208-217. PMCID: 4144099