
Nayak, Uma, Ph.D.

NayakAssistant Professor, Public Health Sciences
Ph.D., Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam, India

P.O. Box 800717
Tel: +1 434-982-3749
Fax: +1 434-982-1815
UHW/MSB, Room 6111A

Research Interests:
Assist in design and conduct of clinical trials in research areas that have significant Public Health relevance in the US and developing countries

Research Description:

My experience in the fields of operational research and field based clinical research management, began in India, and spans 24 years. My research focus has been in the area of infant and maternal nutrition that has significant Public Health relevance, particularly understanding the complex relationships between malnutrition and infections. I was able to test and implement innovative methods to improve nutrition-related behavior that may have great influence on the nutritional status of the community. Research experience includes managing and coordinating phenotypic data for large scale International collaborative trials such as NIH supported multi-centric clinical trials to prevent transmission of HIV from Mother to Infant in India, Ethiopia and Uganda; NIE funded Age-related eye diseases study; Malnutrition and Enteric Diseases study in Bangladesh; NHLBI-funded ACCORD project to study the renal biomarkers in Type 2 diabetic participants and NIH-supported research on type 2 diabetes in African Americans living in the Sea islands of coastal South Carolina and Georgia. In this capacity, I act as a liaison between on-site study personnel and data coordinating centers in the US, in order to effectively implement the study procedures and data management.

As a member of the research faculty at the Center, I am involved in management of study procedures and data for the ongoing research studies to understand and identify the “Biological markers associated with nutritional deficiency, susceptibility to infectious diseases, and role of Th17 in severe and recurrent C.Difficile infection” currently underway in Dhaka, Bangladesh and at UVA.  I am assisting in developing an Electronic Data Capture in REDCap to promote a secure web-based data entry system to allow online review of data, study progress and generate summary reports.

Selected Publications:

  • Ram.M, Gupte,N., Nayak, U., Kinikar,A., Khandve,M., Shankar,A., Sastry, J., Bollinger, R., Gupta, A. For SWEN India and BJMC-JHU Clinical Trials Study Team (2012) “Growth patterns among HIV-exposed infants receiving nevirapine prophylaxis in Pune, India”, BMC infectious Diseases 12: 282-293, 2012. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-12-282.
  • Haque R, Snider C, Liu Y, Ma J Z, Liu L, Nayak U, Mychaleckyj JC, Korpe P, Mondal D, Kabir M, Alam M, Pallansch M, Oberste S, Weldon W, Kirkpatrick BD, and William A. Petri, Jr. “Oral Polio Vaccine response in breast fed infants with malnutrition and diarrhea”, Vaccine 32: 478– 482, 2014.
  • Mychaleckyj JC, Haque R, Carmolli M, Zhang D, Colgate ER, Nayak U, Taniuchi M, Dickson D, Weldon WC, Oberste MS, Zaman K, Houpt ER, Alam M, Kirkpatrick BD, William A. Petri Jr.  Effect of substituting IPV for tOPV on immunity to poliovirus in Bangladeshi infants: An open-label randomized controlled trial. Vaccine 34:358-366, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.11.046
  • Nayak U, Kanungo S, Zhang D, Colgate ER, Carmolli MP, Dey A, Alam M, Manna B, Nandy RK, Kim DR, Paul DK, Choudhury S, Sahoo S, Harris WS, Wierzba TF, Ahmed T, Kirkpatrick BD, Haque R, Petri Jr. WA, Josyf C. Mychaleckyj. Influence of maternal and socioeconomic factors on breast milk fatty acid composition in urban, low-income families.  2017, Matern Child Nutr doi:10.1111/mcn.12423

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