
Ghosal, Soutik, Ph.D.

Soutik GhosalSoutik Ghosal, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Biostatistics, in the Department of Public Health Sciences. He joined the UVA faculty in June 2022. Prior to UVA, Dr. Ghosal was a Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018-2021) and Research Fellow (2021-2022) at the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Branch within the Division of Population Health Research, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Dr. Ghosal’s methodological research interests span various areas of biostatistics, such as diagnostic accuracy modeling and biomarker analysis, spatiotemporal modeling, and causal inference (projects in preparation). He has developed methodologies in applications to pediatric and women’s health disorders, health and medical disparities, and observational studies. During his doctoral and postdoctoral training, Dr. Ghosal has collaborated with medical doctors and practitioners of diverse backgrounds, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, In vitro fertilization, and pediatric health.

Assistant Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences, Division of Biostatistics

Ph.D., Biostatistics, University of Louisville, 2018

P.O. Box 800717
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0717
Tel: 1-434-924-8222
Fax: 1-434-243-5787
Old Medical School, 3rd floor, Room 3894


  • Diagnostic accuracy modeling
  • Biomarker analysis
  • Spatiotemporal modeling

Research Interests:

  • Population health and disease outcomes in pediatric and women’s health
  • Health and medical disparities
  • Antibiotic overuse
  • Cardiovascular diseases

Selected Works:

Methodological publications:

  • Ghosal, S., Grantz, K.L. and Chen, Z., 2022. Estimation of multiple ordered ROC curves using placement values. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(8), pp.1470-1483,
  • Ghosal, S. and Chen, Z., 2022. Discriminatory capacity of prenatal ultrasound measures for large-for-gestational-age birth: A Bayesian approach to ROC analysis using placement values. Statistics in Biosciences14(1), pp.1-22,
  • Ghosal, S., Lau, T.S., Gaskins, J. and Kong, M., 2020. A hierarchical mixed effect hurdle model for spatiotemporal count data and its application to identifying factors impacting health professional shortages. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)69(5), pp.1121-1144,
  • Chen, Z. and Ghosal, S., 2021. A note on modeling placement values in the analysis of receiver operating characteristic curves. Biostatistics & Epidemiology5(2), pp.118-133,

Collaborative publications:

  • Zawar, I., Ghosal, S., Hantus, S., & Punia, V.  2023. Indications for Continuous Electroencephalographic (cEEG) Monitoring: What Do They Tell Us? Epilepsy Research, 190, pp 107088.,
  • Davis, D.W., Feygin, Y., Creel, L., Williams, P.G., Lohr, W.D., Jones, V.F., Le, J., Pasquenza, N., Ghosal, S., Jawad, K. and Yan, X., 2019. Longitudinal trends in the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and stimulant use in preschool children on Medicaid. The Journal of Pediatrics207, pp.185-191,
  • Nessle, C.N., Ghosal, S., Mathews, C., Taylor, D., Myers, J., Raj, A. and Panigrahi, A., 2019. Weak correlation of bleeding scores to platelet electron microscopy: A retrospective chart review of pediatric patients with delta‐storage pool disorder. Pediatric Blood & Cancer66(3), p.e27505,
  • Ghosal, S., Trivedi, J., Chen, J., Rogers, M.P., Cheng, A., Slaughter, M.S., Kong, M. and Huang, J., 2018. Regional cerebral oxygen saturation level predicts 30-day mortality rate after left ventricular assist device surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia32(3), pp.1185-1190,


Links to More Information:

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