Staff Biostatistician
Affiliated Faculty, School of Medicine
PhD, Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University 2017
BS, Biopsychology, Tufts University 2009
Contact Information:
Department of Public Health Sciences
P.O. Box 800717
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0717
Old Med School
Marieke is a biostatistics and data science educator and consultant. She provides statistical support for a diverse set of research projects with collaborators in the School of Medicine and School of Nursing. Marieke especially enjoys teaching biostatistics and R programming skills through curricular courses, extra-curricular education programs, and through consultations.
Teaching Responsibilities:
BIMS8380 Practical Statistics for Biomedical Scientists 1
BIMS8382 Practical Statistics for Biomedical Scientists 2
PHS7000 Introduction to Biostatistics 1 (Teaching Assistant)
PHS7001 Introduction to Biostatistics 2 (Teaching Assistant)
Recent Publications:
See my recent publications on Google Scholar