
Category: Highlights

Engelhard takes Part in Expert Panel on National Financial Management Website


Our resident health policy expert is once again on the national stage, this time fielding questions about the Affordable Care Act as part of a panel of experts weighing in…

Engelhard Writes: Are ‘right-to-try’ laws good medicine or partisan politics?


Our resident health care policy expert, Carolyn L. Engelhard, writes regularly for The Hill. Read her latest exploration of the intricacies of American health care policy here.

Balkrishnan Conducts Public Health Education in India


Rajesh Balkrishnan, PhD, Professor of Public Health Sciences, recently toured the state of Karnataka, India where he trained several groups of pharmacy and medical students in public health research by…

Pannone presents to MAPP Council for TJHD


Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences Aaron Pannone represented the department in presentations to the MAPP 2 Health Leadership Council on Wednesday, August 17th at City Space in downtown Charlottesville. …

Alcalá Receives Dean’s Award from UCLA’s Fielding School


Héctor E. Alcalá, PhD, MPH, CPH, post doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Public Health Sciences was recently named the recipient of a Dean's Outstanding Student Award by the…

Balkrishnan Leads Workshop at ISPOR Annual Meeting


  Rajesh Balkrishnan, PhD, Professor of Public Health Sciences, Director of the Cancer Control Core, and UVA Cancer Center Co-Director, Population Health and Prevention Research recently led a workshop at…