
2024 UVA MPBP Symposium

2024 UVA Molecular Physiology & Biological Physics

Postdoctoral Association Symposium

When physiology meets biophysics: Emerging mechanisms and rare diseases

Friday, July, 19th 2024

McLeod Hall


8:45 Breakfast

9:25-9:45 Opening Remarks

9:45-10:30 Keynote Session (Physiology, 45min):

Dr. Fowzan S. Alkuraya
Professor of Human Genetics,
Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia &
Chairman of Department of Translational Genomics,
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Saudi Arabia

10:30-10:45 Break (Light refreshment will be provided)

10:45-12:00 Data Blitz (5 talks, 15min each)

12:00-14:00 Poster Session and Lunch

14:00-14:15 MPBP Lukas Tamm Research Award Ceremony

14:15-14:55 MPBP Lukas Tamm Research Awardee Session (2 talks, 20min each)

14:55-15:15 Break (Light refreshment will be provided)

15:15-15:55 Publication and Career Development (40min)

Dr. Michael A. Funk
Senior Editor,
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)


15:55-16:00 Break (Light refreshment will be provided)

16:00-16:45 Keynote Session (Biophysics, 45min)

Dr. Edward H. Egelman
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics &
Harrison Distinguished Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics,
University of Virginia

16:45-17:00 Closing Remarks (Poster Award Announcement)