Graduate Research in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging
A wide variety of research projects leading to PhD or Masters degrees are available in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging. Our primary and adjunct faculty are engaged in research dedicated to the detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of disease through advancement in medical imaging technology, including the development of new instrumentation, imaging procedures and protocols, image acquisition sequences, and image analysis techniques. Imaging research is being applied in both the pre-clinical (animal imaging) and clinical (human imaging) arenas, and in both structural (anatomic) and functional (molecular) domains. A number of labs have research that is translational in nature, in which devices or methodologies developed in the laboratory are then moved to early testing in humans.
Students enrolled in any graduate program at UVA are eligible. Imaging students have research advisors with primary or adjunct appointments in the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, and receive their degrees in the discipline of the program in which they are enrolled (for example a PhD in Engineering Physics, a Masters degree in Biomedical Engineering, a PhD in Physics, or a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering). Degrees that have been historically well represented include Physics, Biomedical Engineering, and Engineering Physics.
Students in the imaging program have substantial flexibility in their choice of research projects and coursework. Most imaging research is by nature highly interdisciplinary, involving interactions with imaging physicists, chemists, biologists, computer scientists, radiologists, surgeons, clinicians, clinical technologists, and patients. Accordingly, in addition to the core courses required by their home department students in the program usually take courses offered by several different departments (e.g. BME, ECE, Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology) over the course of their graduate work. Face-to-face meetings with potential medical imaging research advisors (see Research Faculty) are strongly recommended to help ensure the best match between student interests and available research projects.
For More Information
Visit the Faculty section for a list of researchers (including their research specialties) and contact the individual faculty members directly: Medical Imaging Research Faculty