
Educational Apps Help Radiology Residents in Uganda

April 15, 2017 by   |   Leave a Comment

Educational Apps Help Radiology Residents in Uganda

When two radiologists from UVA travel to Uganda, two residents at a Ugandan hospital receive iPads equipped with apps that bolster their education.



Ultrasound Workshop

Connor Louden and Jenni Pierce are passionate about global health. This past December, they travelled to Uganda with a medical mission: Educate and empower the radiology residents at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST).

At MUST, there are two radiology residents: Prossy and Kenneth. Moses, their instructor, has given them excellent training, yet there are gaps in their education due to a lack of reliably functioning equipment. For example, the CT scanner is currently broken and the university does not own an MRI scanner. Therefore, patients often go to other locations to have these types of studies performed. As a result, Prossy and Kenneth get fewer opportunities to interpret these kinds of images.

So Connor and Jenni spent four days giving lectures, facilitating workshops, and attending administrative meetings. They wanted the residents to know that the staff at UVA Radiology is interested in and advocating for their education.

They also gave each resident an iPad. The iPads came with an app that links them to YouTube and then provides them with 15-20 minute lectures on a wide variety of topics. Another app came with board-style quiz questions to prepare residents for their exams. There was even an app all about MRI physics—hopefully making up for the fact that MUST doesn’t have MRI.

“I wanted to primarily help educate others. Secondarily, I wanted to supplement my own education by learning a different way of doing things and by seeing different pathology,” said Connor. “I love to teach, and I value our partnership with MUST immensely.”

The trip wouldn’t have been possible without the Spencer B. Gay International Resident Travel Fund. This fund is supported by the Keats Society, the alumni group from UVA Radiology. It helps current UVA Radiology residents maintain the goals of both teaching the residents at MUST and advocating for the role of radiology within the hospital.





Comments (1)

  1. solomon demise says:

    .I am so interested in your institution. my name is Solomon Demise. I am from Ethiopia I have Bsc degree in medical radiologic Technology,but here there is no master degree in my country. here we have curriculum for Msc program but we have no lecturer to proceed curriculum. This is big challenge in our case.our university Arbaminch University medical Radiologic Technology want to work with your university with partnership. I wrote this mesage on the behave of Medical Radiologic Technology department.

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