
UVA Radiology Holds Tree Planting to Honor Former Chair Alan Matsumoto, MD

May 10, 2024 by Henry Lin-David   |   Leave a Comment

(Left to right) Department Chair Dr. Colin Derdeyn, Vice Chair of Education Dr. Juliana Bueno, and former Chair Dr. Alan Matsumoto stand in front of the commemorative tree honoring Dr. Matsumoto.

On May 2, the University of Virginia’s Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging held a special outdoor ceremony — a tree planting to honor the work of former Chair Alan H. Matsumoto, MD, MA.

The commemorative tree is planted near the Old Medical School Building. According to Vice Chair of Education Juliana Bueno, MD, it serves as a symbol of life, growth, protection, and strength: all of which are products of Dr. Matsumoto’s contributions to the department.

More than 40 members of the UVA Radiology community listened to short speeches from Department Chair Colin Derdeyn, MD; Dr. Juliana Bueno; and Dr. Alan Matsumoto. Afterwards, those in attendance — including faculty, staff, trainees, and even former members of the department — enjoyed sparkling apple cider in a toast to the former chair.

For more pictures of the event, click here.



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