
Half and Full Marathon Training Program Body Fat Composition Study

marathon runner legs running on city street

HSR210504: Machine Learning to Quantify Fat on Low-Dose CT

What problem is this study trying to solve?

This study is trying to find an alternate way in which we monitor obesity and fat composition, particularly in respect to healthy individuals. By agreeing to participate in this study as a health volunteer, you will be asked to have two CT scans, approximately 16 weeks apart following your participation in the Charlottesville half and full marathon exercise training program.  You will receive two low-dose CTs (one before beginning the exercise training program and one after running the race at the end). These low-dose CTs will be used to measure your abdominal fat (both the visible fat outside of your muscles (subcutaneous fat) and the invisible fat inside of your muscles mixed in with your organs (visceral fat)). Changes in both of these fat types will be assessed after the exercise regimen is complete to determine how effective the exercise was in reducing your abdominal fat.

Why would you want to take part in this study?

You might like to take part in this study to contribute to research on exercise and health. There is no direct benefit from your participation.

How long will this study take?

Your participation in this study will require 2 study visits over 16 weeks.  Each visit will last about 10 minutes. Beyond the study visits that will take place, you will also participate in the half and full marathon training program.

NOTE: You will be required to enroll in and complete both the Charlottesville Track Club’s annual Marathon/Half Marathon Training Program coached by Mark Lorenzoni as well as the subsequent half or full marathon of your choice at the end of the training regimen. You will be required to pay for the training program and race fees as part of your individual commitment to the training program.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Age 18-70
  • Commitment to participate in at least 80% of the weekly training sessions for the men’s and women’s four miler training program run by the Ragged Mountain Running Shop

Pregnant women will not be eligible to participate.

Financial Compensation

You will be paid $50 for each study visit, both the initial pre-intervention and post-intervention visits. ($100.00 total).  You should get your payment at the conclusion of the study visit to Fontaine Research Park.

If Interested, Contact

Jeison De Guzman

Consent Form

Click here to view/download the Consent Form