It’s Nice to Meet You
Hi everyone! My name is Alan Farr, and I recently joined Kathleen Mueller as part of the UVA School of Medicine (SOM) Web team. For the past 6 1/2 years, I served as Website Content Manager for the UVA Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, where I managed the Radiology WordPress Websites. I’ve worked closely with Kathleen and Ray Nedzel (former SOM Webmaster) over the years, and am thrilled to be part of the line-up.
A Helping Hand
The new title on my business card reads “Web Content Producer.” And while this is certainly accurate, think of me as someone who is here to help you with managing and maintaining your SOM website. WordPress enables users to update content through a friendly interface–no web design or coding skills needed! Come see Kathleen and me at the weekly WordPress training sessions on Thursdays. If you have any questions or need anything prior to the Thursday sessions, just give me a shout:
Alan Farr
I look forward to making your acquaintance at an upcoming Thursday training session, via email / phone, etc.