
Update: Adding Alt Text to Images

Letters on a Scrabble board spelling out update.Important Note About Adding Alt Text

Adding alt text to images is an important part of bringing all our Websites into AA (double A) Accessibility compliance. We’ve recently discovered that if the alt text is added to the image through the media library, it does not translate to the version of the image on the page. So, please add the alt text to the image on the page.

If You’ve Added Alt Text in the Media Library

If you have added the alt text for an image through the Media Library – the easiest way to (re) attach an image, with the alt text, to a page is to:

  • navigate to the page editor of a page with an image
  • click on the image to show the bounding box and quick menu for the image
  • click on the pencil icon to “edit” the image
    • the Image Details window will open up
  • click on the “Replace” button
    • the Replace Image window will open up
  • the same image will be selected and you should see the “Attachment Details” along the right side
    • here you should see that the alt text is already in place
  • click on the blue “Replace” button
  • Update the page – to save the changes to the page

This will save/attach the alt text with the image to the particular page the image is displaying on.  To double check, you can view the alt text code by checking the html code in the text editor.

General Guidelines for adding Alt Text

General guidelines for adding alt text, properly linking images, and cleaning up your media library can be found in the post October Update: Ways to Prepare Your Site for the New Template.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Or, sign-up for one of our Thursday WordPress work sessions:

Kathleen Mueller
Tel: 434.297.7580

Alan Farr
Tel: 434.924.9066