
New TablePress Plugin

Laptop computer and pad of paper with pencil

New Way to Build and Manage Tables

We have recently added a new plugin called “TablePress” to all SOM websites. TablePress makes creating and managing tables much easier than what we’ve used in the past. A straightforward interface enables you to easily create a table and enter data. Tables built in TablePress are mobile responsive (content/layout adjusts to screen size), ADA compliant, and allow for importing and exporting CSV files.

When you’re logged in to your site, TablePress can be found halfway down on the dashboard.

Many of our sites currently use tables. At present, these tables do not display very well on mobile or handheld devices. Since close to 50% of web users are presently accessing the web via mobile/handheld, this is becoming increasingly problematic. In addition, many of the tables are not ADA compliant. For these reasons, at some point in the near future we will begin working with Web Editors to convert all their existing tables to TablePress. Stay tuned for more details.

For any editors who would like to begin converting their tables now, we would encourage you to do so. To learn more, please join us for one of our Thursday New Template trainings where we’ll be going over TablePress in detail (schedule & sign up). Also, feel free to contact us directly.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Kathleen Mueller
Tel: 434.297.7580 

Alan Farr
Tel: 434.924.9066