
Professional Development

We provide professional development opportunities for women in medicine at UVA so that they may acquire the skills and strategies necessary for their professional advancement.

Do you have ideas for future events? We’d love to hear from you.


“Presenting While Female”

  • What: In this “Presenting While Female” seminar, the second seminar in our series with the communications firm Portico, you will gain insight into why presenting can be a different experience for women, learn how to build on strengths that are often associated with women, learn practical steps on how to develop your presence (manage anxiety), and acquire tools on how to lead the room, navigate difficult Q&A, interruptions and take a more strategic focus on presenting.
    Where: Pinn Hall 2ABC
    When: Thursday, June 13, 2024, 12:00-1:00 p.m. lunch provided

“Speak Easy”

  • What: In this “Speak Easy” seminar, led by Portico communications firm founder + CEO Meghan Dotter, you will learn to be more strategic about why and how you present. We spend most of our working hours in meetings, giving or listening to presentations, yet few speakers give a presentation they would want to attend themselves! In this fast-paced seminar, you will get insight into becoming more effective and comfortable in the many settings you present.
    Where: Pinn Hall 2ABC
    When: Thursday, February 8, 2024, 12:00-1:00 p.m. lunch provided