
Category: Publications

Hypertension with unsatisfactory sleep health (HUSH): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Background Insomnia is common in primary care medical practices. Although behavioral treatments for insomnia are safe, efficacious, and recommended in practice guidelines, they are not widely-available, and their effects on…

Longitudinal change in parent and child functioning after Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic pain


Theoretical models of pediatric chronic pain propose longitudinal associations between children's pain experiences and parent and family factors. A large body of cross-sectional research supports these models, demonstrating that greater…

Predicting and reducing driving mishaps among drivers with Type 1 Diabetes


OBJECTIVE Two aims of this study were to develop and validate A) a metric to identify drivers with type 1 diabetes at high risk of future driving mishaps and B) an…

Development and initial validation of the Assessment of Motivational Interviewing Groups-Observer Scales (AMIGOS)


This article documents the development and initial validation of a global observer instrument, the Assessment of Motivational Interviewing Groups – Observer Scales (AMIGOS). The AMIGOS includes three scales composed of…

Convergence of Online Daily Diaries and Timeline Followback Among Women at Risk for Alcohol Exposed Pregnancy


Researchers and clinicians interested in assessing drinking and unprotected sex in evaluating risk for alcohol-exposed pregnancy (AEP) have limited options. The current investigation examined the degree to which data collected…