
Category: Past Trial



Family caregivers in the U.S, who were having trouble sleeping were recruited to participate in an online research study, the SHUTi-CARE study. More information about this trial, and links to…

Better Sleep for Supporters with Insomnia (BeSSI)


Family cancer caregivers in the U.S. were recruited to participate in this pilot study of our online insomnia treatment program, SHUTi (Sleep Healthy Using the Internet). Preliminary results may be…

Pos4Health: A Patient-Centered eHealth Intervention for Non-Adherent HIV+ Substance Users


A pilot RCT funded by NIH to examine the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of Pos4Health (Peers Offering Support for Health), an Internet intervention to improve ART adherence and overcome related…

A National Trial of SHUTi, An Internet Intervention for Adult Insomnia


A large trial of SHUTi which involved national (US) recruitment.

Improving the Sleep of Cancer Patients Using an Internet-Based Program


A trial funded by the UVA Cancer Center to test whether an Internet intervention can help improve the sleep of cancer patients with insomnia.

Blood Glucose Awareness Training Delivered over the Internet for Pregnancy


A pilot RCT funded by NIH to examine the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an Internet intervention aimed at blood glucose management in women with Type 1 diabetes who are…

Microgames for Improving Pediatric Compliance


A phase 1 investigation of an interactive microgame called “Catch Your Breath” designed to train children to better understand and manage their chronic condition - asthma.

An Internet Intervention to Prevent Pressure Ulcers in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury


A CNI/B grant to develop and test the feasibility of an Internet intervention for adults with spinal cord injury (SCI) to prevent pressure ulcers (PrUs) and promote protective health behaviors.

Blood Glucose Awareness Training Delivered Over the Internet


A study to test whether a psychoeducational Internet program improves the awareness of blood glucose levels and quality of life of adults with type 1 diabetes.

Internet Insomnia Intervention: Development and Feasibility


A study to test the feasibility of using an Internet program to deliver Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia treatment to adults with primary insomnia.