
Davis, Boyd

October 26, 2017 by

Update: 5/12/17 – After graduation, Boyd will be scribing at VCU over the summer.

Boyd Davis is a 4th year Biology major at the University of Virginia. The main project that he has been working on is PositiveLinks which aims to help HIV/AIDS positive patients manage their disease, as well as provide them with resources that help to maintain these patients in care. Boyd is hoping to have a career in medicine and wants to keep his options open on specialties and career paths. When he is not working on schoolwork, he loves to spend his free time working out, playing sports, and watching professional and UVA sports with friends. Outside of BHT, Boyd is Secretary of the Beta Chapter of the Phi Society Fraternity at UVA, a tutor for both General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, as well as a teaching assistant in Organic Chemistry.