
Wednesday, October 23rd – The Promise of Adolescence: The Teen Years’ Pivotal Opportunities – Richard Bonnie LLB, Joseph Allen PhD, Joanna Williams PhD, and Julia Taylor MD

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

12:00-1:00 pm

Pinn Hall Conference Center Auditorium

University of Virginia School of Medicine


 A John F. Anderson Memorial Lecture

The Promise of Adolescence:
The Teen Years’ Pivotal Opportunities

Richard J. Bonnie LLB, Harrison Foundation Professor of Medicine and Law,
School of Law, UVA

Joseph P. Allen PhD, Hugh Kelly Professor of Psychology, College and Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences, UVA

Joanna Williams PhD, Associate Professor of Education, Curry School of Education, UVA

Julia Taylor MD MA, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, UVA

A new National Academy of Medicine report, The Promise of Adolescence: Realizing Opportunity for All Youth (2019), synthesizes 21st-century advances in neurobiology and sociobehavioral science to revise our understanding of adolescence. The report suggests that this remarkably transformative developmental stage from puberty through the mid-20s should be framed positively, as a time of unique promise and unprecedented opportunity. In this Medical Center Hour, a panel of UVA experts addresses the NAM report findings’ challenges to social institutions, which often seek chiefly to control/contain the “risks” that teens represent. How can our educational and health care systems do a better job of helping all adolescents—the next new generation of adults—to flourish?

Profs. Bonnie, Williams, and Allen and Dr. Taylor have declared no personal/professional relationships with commercial entities producing healthcare goods and/or services. Medical Center Hour planning group members (M.D. Childress PhD; R.J. Bonnie LLB; R. Carpenter DrNP; J.F. Childress PhD; R. Dillingham MD MPH; M.F. Marshall PhD RN; J. Mutter MD MA; K. Reid PhD RN FNP-C CNL; L. Shepherd JD) have no personal or professional relationships with commercial entities producing healthcare goods and/or services. UVA Office of Continuing Medical Education faculty and staff have no personal/professional financial relationships with commercial entities producing healthcare goods and/or services.


A production of the Center for Health Humanities and Ethics at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Medical Center Hour is held September through March on Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00 pm, in the Pinn Hall Conference Center Auditorium (unless otherwise noted):

All programs are free and open to the entire university and the public. Watch Medical Center Hour at