
Pilot Projects for Multi-Component Awards

October 6, 2023 by

This UVA Comprehensive Cancer Center funding initiative is designed to support existing collaborative cancer research.  This includes collaborative projects that strengthen basic science, facilitate the translation of discoveries into the clinic and/or the community, develop initiatives in cancer prevention and control, and serve the needs of our catchment area, an 87-county region in Virginia and West Virginia.  Priorities include projects that address the increased burden of lung, breast, and colorectal cancers and melanoma; cancer disparities (e.g., high rates of cervical cancer in Appalachian women and prostate cancer in African American men, health care access, socioeconomic status, etc.); and the risk factors of obesity, tobacco use, and lack of access to screening, all of which are prevalent in the catchment area.  The grant mechanisms that will be supported include P01, P50, U01, U19, U54, UM1, RM1, and other collaborative grants that involve three or more sub-projects.  It does not include multi-PI R01s and other R series grants (see Pilot Projects for Single Component Awards).  Investigators should have a concrete plan for the external collaborative grant application including preliminary specific aims and core descriptions.  This mechanism is not for “potential” future applications but for projects that are currently underway.  Applications are accepted three times per year: April, August, and December.

Award:  Up to $50,000 (direct costs only) per project with an additional $10,000 for administrative expenses for 1 year.

Eligibility: This award is open to teams of two or more UVA faculty, at least one must be a Cancer Center member.  Applications must include three or more projects.

Deadline:  August 7, 2024 at 12:00pm.  For more information and to apply, click here.

Contact for Questions: Please contact Dr. Roger Abounader.