
Systems Analysis of Stress-Adapted Organelles (SASCO) Center Pilot Awards

October 6, 2023 by

The Systems Analysis of Stress-Adapted Cancer Organelles (SASCO) Center is an NCI-funded U54 Cancer Systems Biology Consortium research center at UVA. SASCO investigators are dedicated to the study of cancer cell biology using integrated experimental and computational methods, especially where computational inferences inform experimental hypotheses. In such projects, a “measure-model-test” cycle is typical. Read more about specific SASCO research themes on oncogenic stress on organelles in three cancer settings, the collaborative research core, and the investigator team at the SASCO website.


SASCO Pilot Award

The broad goal of pilot funding is to introduce investigators to cancer systems biology research questions and approaches. While alignment with the theme of oncogenic stress on organelles is preferred, it is not a required component of a successful pilot project application. Pilot funding applicants can propose projects that integrate with existing SASCO themes, or they can propose new cancer systems biology projects.

Eligibility: This opportunity is open to UVA faculty investigators and postdoctoral research associates/fellows.

  • Faculty Investigators:
    • Team applications are encouraged, but co-principal investigator grants must identify a contact PI. Teams may not include a current SASCO investigator as a funded collaborator, but applicants may propose unfunded technical collaborations with current SASCO investigators.
  • Postdocs:
    • Postdocs must have at least one year of training at UVA remaining and must have the agreement of their PI to apply for the award. Team applications are permitted, but co-principal investigators must be postdocs and a contact PI for the award must be identified. Postdocs from SASCO-funded labs may apply, but the proposed project must be clearly outside the scope of work already supported by the Center.

Award: For faculty, awards will be up to $50,000. Only direct costs will be supported. Faculty salary and major equipment purchases are not eligible expenses. For postdocs, awards will be up to $25,000. 5% salary support should be budgeted to justify postdoc time spent on the project. Awards are for 1 year.

Deadline: August 7, 2024 at 12:00pm. Click here to apply.

Contact for Questions: To aid applicants in designing their approach, the overall aims of the SASCO proposal are available upon request. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact U54 Center MPI Matthew Lazzara with questions and to discuss project alignment.


SASCO Education Scholar Award

A key mission of SASCO is outreach and education on cancer systems biology. We are pleased to announce a new Request for Applications (RFA) for support to lead the creation of an educational video introducing clinicians to systems biology approaches.

Eligibility: Applications are welcome from individuals (e.g., graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty) or teams of individuals. Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with clinician partners and SASCO members in creating these educational materials.

Award: Up to $17,500.

Deadline: Closed (RFA to be released in March 2025).

Contact: Jason Papin and Todd Stukenburg.