
Program Information

Cardiovascular Imaging Fellowship Program

Fellows spend a minimum of two years in the training program, and choose to pursue either in-depth training in one modality or training in more than one modality. They have the opportunity to work in both experimental and clinical imaging laboratories. Fellows have one MD mentor and one PhD co-mentor for their research.

Formal didactics included in the program are courses in imaging modalities, molecular imaging, biostatistics, and clinical trials methodology. Trainees also undergo intensive methodologic training by PhDs in the various modalities. Weekly research work-in-progress sessions are held to discuss ongoing research and new collaborative projects in development. The fellows present a clinical multi-modality imaging topic yearly at Cardiovascular Imaging Grand Rounds. Imaging journal clubs are held on a regular basis.

All MDs who desire high-level expertise in one or more modalities of clinical imaging need to perform enough examinations to qualify as a director of clinical and research laboratories at their institutions. Fellows finishing two years of this program should fulfill the requirements for level III training and be able to direct an imaging laboratory.

Fellows are evaluated by faculty in the Cardiovascular Imaging Training Program who have had direct contact with them. Counseling, guidance, and feedback are provided to each fellow twice a year during a one-on-one meeting that includes the fellow’s supervisor and the director of the program. At the evaluations, areas of weakness are identified and approaches to addressing them are suggested. Fellows, in turn, evaluate the program in general, and the supervisor and other mentors in particular.

At the end of the training, the principal mentors and the director of the training program will certify that the requirements necessary to meet a particular level of skills have been met. The skill levels needed are determined in advance for each fellow, determined by both their training path and the skills they have already mastered. A certificate of completion of fellowship training in Cardiovascular Imaging is awarded to each fellow at the end of the training period.

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