
Get Involved

Academy Programs & Activities

The Academy sponsors or endorses a variety of programs and activities each year. Members are invited to engage in these events as presenters/facilitators and participants. Academy members are also encouraged to spread the word about these programs in support of the Academy’s mission of building an inclusive learning community.

Examples of Academy Programs and Activities

  1. Educator development programs co-developed with the Center for Excellence in Education and the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development
  2. Mentoring talk and small-group discussion series with Academy Fellows
  3. Annual Innovation in Education Week
  4. New Member Induction (Spring)/Annual Academy Meetings (Fall)
  5. Academy-endorsed educator speakers or events sponsored by individual departments
  6. Funding for Collaborative Educational Projects


Get Involved!

If you are interested in joining a committee, click on this button to complete the interest form.

Interest Form

Faculty and trainees can get involved in leading the Academy by serving on one of five committees: Educational Scholarship, Teaching, Membership, Educator Advancement, and Innovation. Each committee consists of a two co-chairs and at-large members. Committee service will initially be either 2 or 3 year terms, thereby staggering term expiration dates for committee members.  The terms for the chair and vice chair will alternate to allow for continuity in the leadership of each committee. Academy members sign up for committees in which they have interest, however the election of committee chairs and vice-chairs will occur within each committee.

The charges and rosters of current committee members are available below.

Get Involved!

If you are interested in joining a committee, click on this button to complete the interest form.

Interest Form


Academy members may be nominated for SOM Dean’s Office teaching awards. Information about each award, including a list of past winners, is available here.