[Pinn Hall 1-17] Judith Woodfolk, PhD "Mechanisms of the Adaptive Response to Rhinovirus in Health and Disease in a Human Infection Model."
Jan 23 MIC Graduate Student Seminar: Mahmoud Saleh and Amanda Lulu
[Pinn Hall 1-17] Mahmoud Saleh, Petri Laboratory: "Colitis-induced Th17 cells increase the risk for severe subsequent Clostridium difficile infection" Amanda Lulu, Engelhard Laboratory: "Pre-Existing Immune Memory in Healthy Donors to Cancer-Associat...
Dec 05 MIC Seminar – Anne K. Kenworthy
[Pinn 1017] Anne K. Kenworthy, PhD Professor Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics University of Virginia
Nov 14 MIC Seminar: John Brumell, PhD
[Pinn 1-17] John Brumell, PhD University of Toronto Professor Institute of Medical Science, Department of Molecular Genetics
Oct 17 MIC Seminar: David M. Knipe, PhD
[Pinn 1-17] David M. Knipe, PhD Higgins Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Chair, Harvard Virology Program
Oct 17 MIC Seminar: David M. Knipe, PhD
[Pinn 1-17] David M. Knipe, PhD Higgins Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Chair, Harvard Virology Program
Oct 12 Annual Robert J. Kadner Dinstinguished Lecture in Microbiology
[Pinn Hall Conference Center] "Micro-Scale Warfare with Macro-Scale Implications: Mechanisms and Consequences of Interbacterial Antagonism" Joseph Mougous, Ph.D. Professor of Microbiology, University of Washington Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical I...