On hot summer days, an ice-filled drink seems to be just what the doctor ordered. However, health experts want to help folks make sure that not too many of those icy beverages are filled with sugar.
University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have created a tool to help people slowly cut the number of sugary drinks they consume.
iSIPsmarter is a web-based program developed by those researchers. The News & Messenger first reported on the study’s launch last fall. Since then, iSIPsmarter has been helping Southwest Virginia adults reduce their consumption of sugary drinks as the researchers study the program. So far, the trial has enrolled 170 adults, or about 70% of its goal.
For anyone who hasn’t signed up, there’s still time to take part.
Not only have individuals been signing up to take part in the trial program, but Southwest Virginia and southern West Virginia employers have joined the effort, offering the program to their employees and clients. Read More>