
Caroline Mulligan, MPH

March 21, 2023 by

Caroline ConradCaroline is a Research Specialist within the Population Health and Cancer Outcomes Core, specializing in data analysis and programming. She spent her first 4.5 years at UVA working at the Medical Center in the Blood Bank and working on her masters before joining the Cancer Center. Caroline earned her Master’s in Public Health from the University of Virginia with a concentration in Research in Practice and her Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.  In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, mountain biking, gluten-free baking,  and PC gaming. Also, go Heels.

Specializations: Data analysis, ArcGIS mapping, large Public Health data sets such as NHANES and BRFSS, SAS statistical programming

Programs/Projects: Working with public health data sets, Cancer registry analysis, and Catchment area analysis, including map-making

Tel: 980.254.7510